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Streamline your emissions management and accelerate your net-zero journey
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Intuitive Boundary Mapping
Simplify your organization's sustainability journey with Zeroe's intuitive organization mapping. Define your organization and emissions boundaries effortlessly, providing a clear and structured overview of your operations.

Collect entity level data that allows you to quickly and easily calculate, analyze, and report on emissions.
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Efficient Data Collection
Streamline emissions data collection with Zeroe's automated tasks and enterprise-grade integrations.

Minimize errors and labor-intensive processes, ensuring accurate and up-to-date emissions data. Capture supplier data to enhance scope 3 calculations and provide the full picture of your organizations carbon footprint.
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Precise Emissions Calculations
Overcome the challenges of accurately measuring emissions in compliance with the GHG protocol using Zeroe's intelligent calculation engine.

With access to a comprehensive, up-to-date global database of emissions factors Zeroe intelligently maps factors and validates calculations. Trust Zeroe to empower your organization with accurate emissions measurements, ensuring regulatory compliance, credibility, and trust among stakeholders.
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Join us today and experience the benefits of a carbon management platform that's tailored to your enterprise needs.
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In-Depth Emissions Analysis
Unlock actionable insights with Zeroe's powerful analytical tools, allowing your organization to drill down into emissions data and pinpoint key areas for improvement.
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Science-Based Target Setting
Navigate the challenges of establishing ambitious yet achievable net-zero goals with Zeroe's guidance in setting Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) - aligned targets. Simplify the process and plot a strategic and effective path to net-zero for your organization.
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AI-Powered Decarbonization
Leverage Zeroe's AI technology to identify high-impact emissions reduction actions tailored to your organization's unique needs and goals. Prioritize initiatives with the greatest potential for emissions reduction, streamlining your path to net-zero, and maximizing your return on investment.
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Effective Carbon Offsetting and Removal
Overcome the challenges of identifying and investing in credible carbon offsets and removal projects with Zeroe's comprehensive solution. Gain access to top-rated carbon credits and removal investments, effectively compensating for your organization's residual emissions. Zeroe connects your organization with trusted carbon credits and removal projects, providing unparalleled access and opportunities in one platform, amplifying your positive impact on the environment and driving your sustainability efforts forward.
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Compliant Emissions Reporting
Disclose your organization's emissions performance in compliance with recognized standards, including TCFD, CDP, SASB, and GRI, with Zeroe's comprehensive reporting tools. Ensure transparency, credibility, and regulatory compliance, while showcasing your commitment to sustainability and building trust among stakeholders.
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